Images 1 – 5: Production stills shot on location for National Geographic Channel’s The Great Human Race, Season 1.

Images 6 – 9: Shot while on assignment for National Geographic Society in Gabon with explorers Uri Golman and Helle Olson.

Images 10 – 15: Shot for various non-profit and commercial clients both in the US and internationally.

GHR101 Doc_still_02 105 Production Stills Doc_still_04 108: Mongolian Steppe Doc_still_06 Doc_still_07 Doc_still_08 Doc_still_09 Doc_still_10 Doc_still_11 Doc_still_12

University of Maine students and Professor Brian Robinson work at an archaeological dig at the Long Point property in Machias in June 2013.

Chewonki Girls Camp 2012 Doc_still_15