While in production for Middlebury late in 2014, Seedlight Pictures stumbled upon the story of Marty Schnure and Ross Donihue, who run Maps for Good, a start up that partners with conservation organization to create maps that illustrate their work – in this case it was the new Patagonia Park, which has been in development over the past ten years by Conservacion Patagonica. Marty and Ross received a Patagonia Environmental Grant and National Geographic Young Explorers Grant to complete their work in Patagoina. We spent a week in the park mapping new trails with Marty and Ross and learning about the park, which is an exceptionally ecologically diverse tract of land home to all the region’s original species. The film explores the way maps can serve as powerful tools to conserve wild lands and, through the voice of conservation icon, Kris Tompkins, and Marty and Ross, highlights a new era of exploration that is focused around conservation, more than simply discovery. The film is currently in production…Stay tuned for more updates soon.